Tell the Wolves | Jordan Moore

jordan moore, sacramento

learning about me - the way i am, the things i choose, the feelings i like to feel and the ones i don't.

learning about me - something new each day. like meeting your best friend that very first time and slowly uncovering all the little bits they’re made of. putting them together somehow too. when i learn the brand new bits of me do i acknowledge them? do i file them away somehow? do i see them and remember them for next time?
learning about me - how i am depending on who i’m with. the ones that come and go, the passer-throughs. the ones that come into your very being and change you somehow. the ones that don’t matter. the ones that matter more than anything else in the entire world. the new ones. the well-worn, well-loved ones. the ones that knew you and the ones that know you now. 
& i crave you in the in between bits. when i need to find myself again. when i’ve forgotten. when i’m strung out on nostalgia, scared of breathing in the rust.
i crave the safety of you. the comfortability of you. the pieces of you that knew me then, know me now. your pieces warm and familiar, gentle and kind. just like my old home.


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