Spirit Bird | Xavier Rudd

Spirit Bird - Xavier Rudd

we have a duty. to ourselves, to our loved ones, to our earthly home. to move and to change and to grow. to fight against the urge to sleep through our lives. so when we come to a new thought, or have an experience that affects us, we can’t ignore it. we can’t sit in shame when the same thing happens over and over again because we KNEW -- so we have to DO. we can’t sleep in the dust of our past. that doesn’t mean it’s easy. it’s hard as hell. it is so scary.
but you are a Soldier, i am a Warrior. we are beautiful beings created in a divine light. we have power. 

don't sleep in the dust
and choke on the settled layer
don't you fade away
for your good country
for your freedom
the freedom of your soul
for the good
the good in me and the good in you

when was the last time you asked?
is it fear that drives you?
or is it love?
and can you change it? can you fight for the love. and more love.
oh let us RISE. let us not see ourselves as less than, lest we fear loss. for we have been told that to be less is to lose. but why. can we not see our worth? feel our power? aside from the measures of success, or strength, or cleverness, or financial stability. let us wake and rise from this.

soldier on, brave soldier
you are glorious light


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