i can't help falling in love with you

until i can.

today is my parent's 33rd wedding anniversary,

which i find utterly ironic, as 33 is our family's lucky number.

my dad is spending it moving into his new place

while my mom is packing up all her things

getting ready to transplant herself across the country.

and i couldn't be prouder

while my heart grieves for the love lost.

and what a beautiful marking of new traditions

new experiences

new explorations.

thank you for the time spent with you

thank you for the sweets gained


thank you for the freedom

for releasing me

for giving me new wings.

and maybe it was never a love that you dreamed of

or maybe it was

and things changed.

that's okay.

you're not any less than you were before.

in fact,

you are so much more.

i hope you can see that

and fly with it.

today marks 33 years, and also a blank slate.

isn't life funny and beautiful.


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