move slow mi amor

i never knew what it meant. 

to be "turned on" 

the real definition.

not just sex, but maybe

not just pleasure, but surely

all this and more

so much more.

my prayer for all of women-kind is

to be in a constant state of

turn on

like a light switch

because if not, then we're

turned off.

turned off to our lives

going through the motions

letting someone else, something else, lead us down the mysterious path of life

with no control

or worse

no awareness.

of the feminine

of the power

of the lust

of the JOY

of the beautiful wonderful divine in each and every one of us

the source of our light switch

the fuse that sparks all of life

and affects all of life

and to me it feels like

when everything is poetry

every swift movement, 

each lingering gaze

birds singing as the caffeine settles in to do its sacred work

sudsy hands in the sink watching last night’s nourishment melt off the cutting board

sucking the yolk from finger letting tongue linger on salty skin

plucking the tomatoes from the vine one by red ripe one

feeling the breeze through linen shirt fresh air inside bare legs

squeezing the mandarin from the tree, glass half sweet orange nectar full

lying down in the sun with no agenda but to feel the rays on your naked skin

is this what it means to be fully and deeply in the feminine? 

formless. floating. fiction.

turned on?

fully aware

drooling for your life.

what makes you come alive? 

whisper it 
    out loud
        right now.

did you do it?
    chase that

and watch what happens
when you are turned on to your life.

big big love


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